August Community Update

August Community Update

🥜 August in a Nutshell

August was packed with exciting new features and initiatives for the Anytype community! We rolled out multiple updates across all platforms, launched an experimental community club, won a hackathon, and continued to expand our engagement with various audiences.

🦫 Product Updates

Desktop Releases (0.42.0 – 0.42.5)

We released four updates for Anytype Desktop, introducing a redesigned sidebar, new widgets, and inline LaTeX support, among other improvements. The updates included:

  • Redesigned sidebar: Simplified navigation between spaces, making it more intuitive.
  • New widgets: Calendar, Kanban, and Gallery.
  • Sync status indicator: A new feature to keep you informed about the sync status of objects and files.
  • Inline LaTeX support: Allows you to add complex mathematical notations directly in your text. 
  • Plus numerous quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes for smoother use.

Full release notes

iOS Release (0.32.0)

This update introduced a new Gallery layout for widgets, enhanced global search, and various quality-of-life improvements, such as:

  • Swipe to show connections: Quickly view object connections with a swipe.
  • Improved subscription management: detailed subscription information is now available directly on mobile.

Full release notes

Android Releases (0.32.26 – 0.32.34)

These updates brought several enhancements, including:

  • Simple file sharing: Seamlessly share images and videos directly into Anytype.
  • Advanced filters and sorting: New options for managing content in Sets and Collections.
  • Speed boost for spaces and widgets: Improved performance and faster navigation.
  • New Gallery widget.

Full release notes

💚 Community Experiment: Local-First Lovers Club

We launched the Local-First Lovers Club, a community space dedicated to exploring the concepts of local-first apps, decentralized collaboration, data ownership, and more. This experiment aims to aggregate knowledge, test technical feasibility, gather feedback, and try new features. By the end of August, 200+ contributors joined & have already generated an impressive amount of content.

Join Local-First Lovers Club

💬 Events

Web3 Summit Hackathon Win

We are thrilled to share that Anytype won the Web3 Summit Hackathon in Berlin! Our project, which involved building shared spaces with NFT token gating, was a huge success.

Talk at Local First Conference

Our co-founder, Anton Pronkin, spoke at the Local First Conference, sharing insights about scaling Anytype to hundreds of thousands of users and the challenges of making the product more social.

🎞 New YouTube Content

Our active community members released several new YouTube videos showcasing recent updates:

What's new in Anytype Update 0.42 Desktop | by Focused Curiosity

Is the new Anytype update good? | by Piano MacPower

Anytype for Beginners: Everything You Need in 1 Video | by Toolfinder

🍭 Cool Things We Enjoyed in August

Here are some fascinating things that caught our eye this month:

Calculating Empires: A Genealogy of Technology and Power since 1500
Explore how technical and social structures co-evolved over five centuries in this large-scale research visualization.
The Grand Timeline
Definitely something. Definitely about the awesome crypto community.
Cameron’s World
🌍 A web-collage of text and images excavated from the buried neighbourhoods of GeoCities.

That's all for August! Stay awesome, and see you next month!