April Community Update
The tension is palpable as we inch one month closer to the launch of our public beta!

🥜 April in a Nutshell
The tension is palpable as we inch one month closer to the launch of our public beta!
We’re now testing our biggest release ever with our nightly types, who are helping us smash as many bugs as possible before sharing with the wider community.
Onboarding into the legacy app has been paused until we release the next version of Anytype.
Meanwhile, huge progress has been made in transitioning Anytype towards the open ecosystem we’ve always dreamed of.
Read on for more details!
🎈Noteworthy happenings:
Town Hall - Beta Preview
We were so excited to greet more than 200 of you for a preview of our beta software and a candid discussion about the remaining milestones before removing our waitlist. We thank you for your participation, great questions, and would love to hear your ideas for future town hall topics.
In case you missed it, the full recording is here (Passcode: 8?n%KDRh).
🦫 What we're working on:
As (we hope) has become apparent over the past several weeks, the new Anysync infra is an enormous innovation that the whole team has been eagerly anticipating, as a prerequisite to move from alpha to beta.
We’re extremely happy to be testing this new infra with our nightly testers before rolling out to our whole community in the upcoming release. For step-by-step instructions on how to migrate your account to the new infrastructure, please keep updated with the Announcements section of our community forums.
Having now implemented v1 of private spaces, collections, and widgets, we're preparing for open beta with a fresh onboarding flow for new users, the purpose of which is to engage and inform people just beginning their Anytype journey.
In addition, a new navigation, file deletion, and lots of tiny design polishes and bug fixes are on their way to you before public beta.
The team is preparing the launch of a Github community especially for our contributors in the coming weeks, which will be shared at the same time as the oepning of our repositories. This community will form the basis for sharing plans and roadmaps specifically related to the open source part of the business.
Our ultimate aim will be accepting contributions for integrations, localization, templates, and new features from our community. Sharing our repositories in read-only format is the first step towards that goal, and we’re thrilled to be taking it.
In April we doubled down on our docs and tutorials, making them more comprehensive and reflective of the upcoming dashboard and navigation. Expect to see these launched at the same time as the upcoming release.
🥁 What's coming next:
Okay, we’ve already built up the coming release quite a bit, so we wanted to give you a glimpse into what’s coming after the introduction of our new infra and feature set described above:
Self Hosting
We’re working hard on bringing self hosting as soon as all major Beta milestones are completed, allowing for you to opt out of our backup node and hosting anytype data on your own server.
Open Repos
Opening our repositories for our community to verify our code and build the foundation for a trustful, open organization is one of the long-awaited and most important deliverables towards our public beta launch.
If you’re interested in joining our community of contributors, please sign up here.
Mobile App Releases
As we prepare to step out from behind the ‘alpha’ curtain, we’re also preparing to give our native mobile apps the visibility they deserve by publishing them in the App and Play stores! Stay tuned for more news around these developments 🙂