So fresh and so clean
This community has come a long way this past year.
👋 Hello there!
Welcome to September's community update. We've come a long way this past year. Our alpha is now available for all major platforms. With each new feature we add, our community grows, and quite frankly — there's just too much news for one monthly blog post!
There are so many amazing things happening each month, both here in the organisation and in the larger community. 2,000 people in our alpha program have found a place for Anytype in their lives. I hope to highlight more of your incredible contributions with this new blog (more below) and these updates.
Read this month's platform update:

Our new home on the internet
We've had an extreme home(page) makeover! Our new website was designed by the talented, multi-award-winning Elena Saharova and our own Head of Perfect Pixels, Anton Barulenkov. Together, they have created something special and unique for our little corner of the internet.
Marrying our vision with real-world use-cases is no small task. So rather than editorialise too much, I asked Elena to share a few words about this design.
I used a grid that, visually, creates an open canvas for the user.
Ideologically, the grid also highlights Anytype's metaphor of blocks and objects. As people, we're all connected to the same network. Our interactions and shared experiences should not be defined by the size of the screens we choose. Our web is shared by everyone who uses it. Spread across one surface, one system, the same grid.
Finally, I wanted to highlight the juxtapositions of new and old. The footnotes on the black bars harken back to our early operating systems and the times when technologies such as peer-to-peer were just beginning. I want to give these ideas new life again.

anytype dot blog?
Lost among our many announcements this September is our new blog. This is a project I have been working on for some time now, and with the help of our new Community Lead, I'm glad to have finally launched it.
There are so many great things happening in Anytype, from both my colleagues and our community. I want this blog to be the home for your many contributions, something we can link to and be proud of.
So... Welcome to the blog! 🥳
Welcome, Divyanshu!
Finally, I want to officially welcome Divyanshu to the Anyteam.
Div is one of our earliest alpha program members and our first Community Lead. As the community grew this past year, Div was a tremendous help. I'm delighted he could join the team and help make our community even better.